Section: New Results

The Numerical Template toolbox: A Modern C++ Design for Scientific Computing

Participants : Pierre Esterie, Joël Falcou, Mathias Gaunard, Jean-Thierry Lapresté, Lionel Lacassagne.

The design and implementation of high level tools for parallel programming is a major challenge as the complexity of modern architectures increases. Domain Specific Languages (or DSL) have been proposed as a solution to facilitate this design but few of those DSL s actually take full advantage of said parallel architectures. In this paper, we propose a library-based solution by designing a C++ DSL s using generative programming: View the MathML source. By adapting generative programming idioms so that architecture specificities become mere parameters of the code generation process, we demonstrate that our library can deliver high performance while featuring a high level API and being easy to extend over new architectures. [18]